Sexless in the City

Ever since I was a little girl I've been a hopeless romantic. Dreaming of the perfect know the one with the perfect husband, kids and puppy living in the cute house with the picket fence around it...the fairy tale life that i've been fantasizing this is the journey of a little girl on her way to her happily ever after...I hope that you enjoy my adventures and welcome any comments that you may have concerning this crazy thing called love...enjoy! :)

Friday, February 09, 2007

What's the rush?

why are people getting married so ceremony...and now no dress...what is the rush!?!? i understand people fall in love...i just don't understand why they can't wait till they can afford a ceremony, a gown, flowers, and the ability to rent a fabulous place to gather their friends, family and loved ones to celebrate their love TOGETHER! why is this suddenly a race to the finish line...since when is marriage something you do in a courthouse without telling anyone??? insurance purposes? SOMETHING??? any reason why this happens and i don't get to dress up for an actual wedding cermony??? please let me know because i just don't understand and won't until someone explains it to me!!!